Blog Archives

Monthly Archives: April 2017

  • Post surgery dog beds

    Hopefully one would not be needing perfect post surgery dog beds very often, but when your dog has had an operation, it is very important that you get the right firmness and comfort for the time when the dog recovers aft..
  • Luxury Dog Beds

    When you think of "Luxury Dog Beds" you might not think of dog beds for travelling, but more of fluffy, padded and overly ornate dog beds. But in a way good travel dog beds are a luxury, because in reality a lot of dogs ..
  • The Best Dog Beds for Sale UK

    The best dog beds are the ones that suit your specific needs AND are made in top quality. Here at Tuffies we make everything in top quality and then we provide our customer care to advise which type would suit your ne..
  • Woolly Dog Beds

    We have been offered some delicious, fluffy off-cuts from local cashmere and woollen mills. It's still sitting here in the office as we have been too busy getting round to make use of it. Our Tuffies dog beds are famous ..