Blog Archives

Monthly Archives: January 2013

  • Dog beds and windy weather

    Here, where the weather is incredibly stormy, we need to think about the draught sneaking around our dogs’ dog beds. Try and kneel down beside your dog while he sleeps and see how cold and literally WINDY it feels ther..
  • Your bum gets cold without any dog beds to sit on

    When you take a working dog out, you have to remember that you have taken him off his warm, cosy dog bed. Yes, when they are asleep at home, they MUST have a warm bed for all those many hours where they are lying still a..
  • Dog beds for snowy and cold weather

    It’s cold outside and it is also cold in your house, the kennel and in that car you start up in the morning to take doggy for a walk. We have to be very careful and remember the dogs in this weather. We have the luxury..
  • Dog beds in your New Year Resolution

    Well, here we are, a new year has started. In January the overwhelming theme seems to be new year resolutions and most of them are about getting better and healthier and fitter. Us, who are lucky enough to have a dog sho..