
  • Puppy Dog Beds

    We can thoroughly test our own Puppy Dog Beds now as we have a proper little puppy here in the office. Pontus is now 12 weeks old and loving life as puppies do. As I write he is lying on his one favourite of our dog beds..
  • The Fabric for our Dog Beds

    Our Durasoft is a 1000 Denier Texturised Nylon, which is the strongest fabric on the market (beware of cheap polyesters!). We have these fabrics coated to Tuffies’ specifications with an extra heavy duty Polyurethan..
  • UK Manufactured Dog Beds

    We are extremely proud to be producing dog beds in Scotland. We started 16 years ago literally in one room in shared premises. This grew in to first one building that we had to put up, then an extension on that one follo..
  • Dog Beds for Transporting Puppies

    I have been transporting puppies quite a lot recently and it’s not finished yet. Obviously they are always travelling in a cage in the car for safety and for containing possible vomit!!! In the cage I have had one of o..
  • Dog Beds in the Rain

    There is a limit to what you can do with dog beds. At the moment the puppies (all 9 of them) are spending their days outside in a big pen in the garden. We have made the pen with big posts and chicken wire right round. T..
  • Dog Beds for Puppies

    Gaia's puppies are now six weeks old. They LOVE being in the garden, so luckily we have nice weather. Last week was rather wet and the grass and plants absorbed all the water to some extent, but in the end it all got too..
  • Taking Dog Beds to the Scottish Game Fair.

    On 1st to 3rd of July the big Scottish Gamefair was on at Scone Palace. Tuffies was there as every year come what may, selling great dog beds at their stand in Pheasant Row. Many people are asking us if we feel we have s..
  • Washing Dog Beds Every Day

    There is definitely a place for waterproof dog beds that you can wash quickly and easily, keeping your  dog's bed smell free at all times. That is what we do here at Tuffies and it is what we are famous for. However, th..
  • New Summer Covers for Dog Beds

    While we concentrate on making practical and extremely comfortable dog beds, we are also aware that almost everyone wants to have a dog bed that is sitting in their house or in their car looking stylish. So in making sty..
  • Puppies are Growing in their Dog Beds

    The pups are now just over a week old and they are growing very, very fast.  They are German Wirehaired Pointers and look like spaniel puppies being white with brown spots. Every single person, who sees them in their wh..