
  • Chew Proof Dog Beds

    It is often a problem for dog owners that the dogs chew their dog beds. Some dogs never touch their beds and can have an inferior dog bed for many years without chewing or clawing it, but some really trash their beds in ..
  • Buy the correct size dog bed

    It helps to get the correct size dog bed when you are looking through all the perfect dog beds to choose from. However, there are many examples of beds, DESPITE being bought in the correct size  (plenty of space for eac..
  • Dog beds made in UK

    There are many dog beds for sale out there, but a lot of them are made abroad. It goes without saying that if you are importing dog beds in a container from China, you can't import good quality ones that have weight and ..
  • Versatile dog beds in the car.

    It is handy to have a dog bed in the back of the car, which covers the entire base because dogs are not very good at arranging their dog beds to their best advantage. Dogs are funny in that respect: if there is for examp..
  • Extra warm dog beds

    It's winter and after a far too long spell of warm weather where any form of dog bed is fine, we now need to make sure that we have really warm dog beds for our dogs. Tuffies supply a range of products that allow you to ..
  • Where to put the dog beds at Christmas?

    As Christmas approaches, it is easy to forget the real needs of your dog. Everyone gets more and more busy and your dog will notice every change in the household without knowing what is going on and why. Basically, it is..
  • Dog Beds for Sale

    If you are not an expert, it could be confusing to choose a dog bed amongst all the dog beds for sale on line and in shops. If you don't really know what to look for and what your dog would like, the dog bed market would..
  • Where to put the Dog Beds

    When you choose dog beds for your dogs you will be considering every thing from waterproof dog beds to chew proof dog beds and you will be first and foremost concerned with the comfort of the dog bed for your dog. Last w..
  • When Dogs Choose their Dog Beds

    Dogs can't talk. So they have certain learnt ways to communicate their needs to us, mostly for things like "I need out to toilet" or "I want food" or "Come this way please" or "I want in, open the door!!!". But since the..
  • Photographing New Dog Bed Models

    We are now right up there with the interior design fashion as we have various shades of grey in our dog beds. Apparently grey is just the thing for the house at the moment. For us it is not a simple process of picking co..