Why You Should Choose Camping with your Dog this Summer – Tuffies Waterproof Dog Beds
Summer is only around the corner and you’ve probably started to think a little bit about where to spend your Summer holiday. Here’s why you should consider camping trips, why your dog will appreciate it, and some tips on what to bring.

Wirehaired Dachshund in the Car Going Camping
Ulti-mutt Holiday
Life doesn’t get much better for a dog than going on a camping trip with her humans. It sounds dramatic but it really does fulfill a primal urge for your dog that has been embedded in their DNA since the relationship started between our ancestors and wolves on hunting trips. Not only will they be delighted to come along, but it also means they don’t have to spend the week at the kennels. There are nice kennels around or maybe you leave your dog with friends when you’re away, but they’d still definitely rather be with you on holiday. Dogs also earn their keep as guard dogs on camping trips. Tents aren’t the most secure so having your dog there to alert you of intruders might give you some peace of mind at night.
Having pooch with you on this type of trip really isn’t that much of an inconvenience and they’ll probably fit quite well into the plans you’ll already have. Walking is the obvious perfect activity for your dog and the pubs in those countryside villages very often allow dogs too. Even if you have activities planned that won’t accommodate the dog like kayaking or something, just leave them in the car for a snooze. Just be sure to leave the car in some shade and crack the windows open a wee bit.

Happy WHD in the Countryside
Secondly, and sorry to bring it up, but the C word (not that one!) is still a relevant concern. Covid continues to linger and unfortunately can ruin your holiday and cost you a lot in the process. Camping is easier to rearrange and will cost you a lot less if you test positive in the few days before. You’re also a lot less likely to pick it up during your break because you don’t have to go through the airport where it’s almost certainly circulating.
Things to Bring
A good idea is to write a list of basic things you’ll need to pack when taking your dog somewhere. Make the bulk of the items generic like food, water bowl, collar, lead etc. And then make an extra section for camping. It’s a pain at the time especially when you have a million other things to pack for yourself but it will really help the next time you go away with your dog because you can just go through the list instead of having to remember it all again. Here are a couple of important ones.
Collar With Name Tag
If your dog wanders off when you’re at home it’s not the end of the world because they’ll probably know their way back. If the neighbours find them they’ll know who’s dog it is and even if they don’t someone else in the area probably will. When you’re camping in a new place it’s a different ball game and losing your dog will definitely turn your holiday upside down. Make sure they have a name tag on at all times and maybe also a GPS tracker. The subscriptions for trackers can be a little bit pricey but you can just pay for them through the Summer months when you’re likely to be out and about with your dog.

Two Wirehaired Dachshunds in Tuffies Nest
Portable Water Bowl
The chances are you’ll be on the move quite a bit so investing in a rubber foldable water bowl is a good idea. You also get water dispensers that look just like a bottle but with a tray lid they can drink from.
Dog Lead Stake
The first time we went camping with our dog, Gerry, we didn’t have one of these, thinking that there would be a post or something to attach his lead to instead. The problem was that there weren’t that many sturdy fixtures and even when we settled on a gazebo post, he kept getting tangled around tent pegs and chairs to the point of not being able to move! A lead stake allowed us to plant it far enough away that he wouldn’t get tangled but close enough that he could still reach us and the shade if he needed it.
Waterproof Dog Bed
If it’s cold you’ll want to give your dog a dry place to lie down. Of course, you have the tent or the car but they’ll probably prefer to be outside with you and a waterproof dog bed is perfect for that. Don’t make the mistake of bringing a blanket or cotton bed because it will stink once it’s been wet for a few hours and even your dog will turn their nose up at it. Most campsites don’t have washing machines either so you’ll have to put up with the smell in the car on the way home!

Wirehaired Dachshund Faceplanting Asleep in a Waterproof Dog Bed
Other considerations
Make sure you feed your dog a bit more than usual, especially if it’s cold. It’s easy to forget that they’ll be burning more calories than usual because they’re spending all their time outdoors and probably doing more physical activity too. If you’ve got a puppy then also be aware of how much walking they’re doing. The bones of a puppy haven’t fully developed so be careful not to put them through too much, the same goes for old dogs.
Oh also just make sure if you’re going to a campsite that they allow dogs. Most are fine with it but better to make sure especially if you’ll be there for a few days.
Hopefully, this has been helpful and we’d love your camping photos so please send them to us on social media.

Wirehaired Dachshund Sightseeing at a Waterfall
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