Which Dog Beds are the Most Comfortable?
The best people to answer this question are the many customers who take the time to write in to us, usually with accompanying pictures, to say how grateful they are for their Tuffies Dog Beds.
Dog beds are just commodities. They are just something you need because you have a dog. It is not the main item in itself… the dog is. So when Tuffies customers feel compelled to put their joy over the dog bed in writing, it must be because it exceeded all expectations.
Below are some lovely emails with pictures form our customers. They also feature on our testimonials page where they help everyone to gauge the size they need.
We do NOT get many complaints, but here is one that made us sit up (the nest is fitted with a nest cover. The ULTIMATE in dog beds):
Dear Tuffies team,

Well, what can you say…. We are certainly proud of making dog beds that are such a hit with the users they are meant for.
And here is a similar nest with the full nest cover.
Today we received this wonderful email from Vivien Saunders. She has Cardigan Corgies and sent us this amazing photo:
My Cardigan Corgi, Ditto, just loves her Tuffies bed. I bought it
from you 2 or 3 years ago and it is brilliant. When she had her most
recent litter the last to go happily slept with her for 2 weeks.
Congratulations on a great product. Vivien Saunders- Abbotsley
The Tuffies Nest Dog Bed has to be the best of them all, but here is also an email from a delighted customer who bought a Raised Tuffies Dog Bed:

We also received this one today:
Who can resist a couple of Spinones like these?:
And the email went like this:
There are plenty more. Please have a look at our Testimonials page here.
01/04/2020 12:08
Easy to clean comfortable dog beds
Dogs, unlike humans, are happy to walk barefoot directly from the muddy garden in to their beds. We can do our best to clean their paws etc, but at the end of the day dog beds will get dirtier a lot quicker than human be.. -
09/05/2020 15:38
The Wildlife Around Tuffies Dog Beds Workshop.
As a rural business based in Aberdeenshire in Scotland, where we make the best possible <a href="https://www.tuffies.co.uk/">waterproof dog beds</a>, we have a great opportunity to follow the wildlife that is so close to..