Blog Archives

Monthly Archives: July 2017

  • New dog bed designs

    By far our most popular optional covers for the waterproof dog beds is our Luxury Fleeces. For several years we have found that the Autumn Check is the most popular along with the classic Black Watch tartan. These are bo..
  • Easy to Clean Large Dog Beds

    It is the biggest dilemma of large dog beds: how to keep them fresh and clean. Some dog owners simply capitulate and buy new, cheap dog beds as frequently as every couple of months. It's a choice, but for many of us, and..
  • Fantastic dog bed sales at Scone.

    Last weekend we had a record Scone show. We have been going to The Scottish Game fair at Scone for around 15 years, selling our popular dog beds. It is a wonderful game fair full of happy people and happy dogs. I do some..