Raised Dog Beds in the Garden
Now that we are so close to launching our Raised Dog Beds (we can almost touch them), it is nice to look at how the ”indigenous” Tuffie dogs use and enjoy the prototypes. The prototypes are the Raised Dog Beds that we have learned from and they are not good enough to be sold as Tuffies standard, but we can still observe how much they are used, how and by whom.
The Raised Tuffie Bed should really be used with a Raised Tuffie Bed Liner specially made for the beds as this gives the dogs the best warmth and comfort.
In the office, where some of the prototypes are sitting, there is just a blanket thrown into one of them and ONE dog, Tippex, is addicted to it. We have a lovely nest with a nest cover and we have a big Sink-in Tuffie sitting here, but she always heads straight for the Raised Tuffie. The other two dogs, Gollum and Gaia always go in the nest and share a large. They fill it right up and sleep more or less embraced, but that’s where they want to be. Gollum, granted, is too big for the Medium Raised Dog Bed, so he has a reason for not going in to it, but Gaia can just fit in and she does go there from time to time. It is not too easy with just a blanket because it slips round a little bit while the dog gets in, which clearly is a bit unsettling to them, but once they are in, they are happy with the messy fit. The good thing is that I never find the blankets fall out of the Raised Dog Beds from us because the sides are quite high.
I have also put some of these beds out in the garden. Although the dogs have their own patio, where they can enjoy the sunshine in the summer, the sun can’t quite reach it in the winter as it is at the north side of the house. While they love lying out on their dog beds in the sun, they now prefer to lounge on their Raised Dog Beds under the apple tree where the sun can reach them and where they can watch the world. They can also keep a perfect eye on what it going on down the road. I see them watch and when that cyclist from the neighbouring farm comes past the FLY out of their dog beds in order to do their scary job. The beauty is that they succeed every time: they bark and the cyclist is “scared away”. Result.
After that, they mooch back to their sleeping place and enjoy a little more sleep in the sun. It is always musical doggy arm chairs as they all swap round where they slept before. It also becomes a bit of a race who can reach the favourite lining or cushion first.
27/10/2015 20:59
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