Blog Archives

Monthly Archives: September 2014

  • Tunnel Dog Beds for the Winter

    Due to many requests from customers, we have made a tunnel cover for our dog beds so that you can create a tunnel for your dog to climb in to. The construction is straight forward, you simply put the cover size that fits..
  • Telephones for Dog Beds

    What a day!! We are moving offices and have had a chap in for two full days to sort out the telephones. Was it maybe simpler to just have some normal ones and make do with slightly old fashioned systems? Maybe, but when ..
  • Great Effect of the Dog Beds?

    Maybe it is too far to give our best dog beds the credit for the working dogs’ success in the field, but I will still try. No, only joking, but I am sure that a good night’s sleep and a comfortable journey to the hil..
  • Fitting out for Producing Dog Beds

    We are now in the midst of fitting out our new premises. Our whole Tuffies HQ has been uprooted and a few of our facilities have been rotated. We used to make our top quality dog beds in a relatively small building that ..