Working Pointers in the Scottish Highlands

  • How are Grouse Pairs Counted in the Spring?

    The year has now come round to the very early spring/end of winter. This is when we go out with the pointers to have a look at what the grouse situation looks like on the grouse moors in Scotland. We had a dump of..
  • Pontus’ Hunting Season 2018-19

    Many of our customers are following the development of Pontus and I must apologise for the long silence. Pontus is a SLOW developer and it didn't seem as if there was a lot to report during the season, but I have summed ..
  • Creeping Pontus

    This year’s counting of grouse broods is nearly done in the Scottish Highlands. It is a very poor year for breeding, which is such a sad thing to see. We had two years of bad rain in the breeding season and bird stock ..
  • ….and Then the Wheels Fell off.

    As my dearest friend, Anne Johnson, says: “With pointers, in particular, just when you think things are going beautifully, then one of the wheels come off …….” And that is so true. It has been a while since I ..