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  • Better grouse count this time and great dog work

    Had a perfect 3.5 hours on the moor yesterday. Tippex and Gollum worked perfectly and this, lower, moor was stacked with well grown, healthy and strong grouse. It would seem that the high moors have taken the hit of June..
  • On your bike

    Well, due to a cut paw!!! we didn't go to the working test. However, everything is fine now and in fact one of the things that is important at the moment is to keep the fitness up for the dogs. I take them all on a litt..
  • Still practicing for working test

    As I am in Germany next week at a textile tradefair looking for fabrics for Tuffies Dog Beds, I only have a few more days to train for the working test next Sunday. I decided to leave Alice out as she is sooooo sensitive..