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Category Archives: Uncategorized

  • Gaia’s first training drills

    After Gaia came home with us from Denmark, it got rather hectic as Christmas came along and the dog bed manufacturing was all-consuming right up to the last day. So Gaia was left to just get used to our house and the oth..
  • A break from dog beds: Collecting Puppy.

    It all happened this weekend. We drove from the North of Scotland to Harwich on Wednesday and sailed across to Esbjerg over night. Spent about six hours in Denmark where new puppy, Gaia, was handed over. She took ..
  • Spilled Gollum out the back of my car!!!!

    Well, here is one for the books: I spilled Gollum out on the road while driving at normal speed and didn’t know till another driver stopped me. This was back in September this year. I am quite embarrassed about this..
  • Pick of the Litter

    The time has come to get the next generation going. Alice is nearly 10, Tippex is 7 and Gollum is three years old. Getting a new puppy is essential now in order to be ready for work in a couple of years when Alice is too..